Snow Cover (1 day - Terra/MODIS)
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About this dataset
When air temperature falls below freezing (0°Celsius), the water droplets in clouds harden into ice crystals. Such crystals may grow into large, lacey snowflakes; or they may stick together to form odd-shaped clusters of ice crystals. When they grow heavy enough, the ice crystals fall to the ground as snow. If the ground temperature is also below freezing, the snow can build up into a bright white blanket covering the surface. Snow cover is an important part of Earth's environment. Because it reflects most of the sunlight that hits it, snow helps to cool Earth's surface. Many areas of the world rely on snowmelt for drinking water and water for their crops. So scientists monitor where and how much of Earth's landscape is covered by snow.
What do the colors mean?
In these maps, the white areas show lands that were completely snow-covered on the dates shown. The light blue shades show regions in which there was only partial snow cover.
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MODIS/Terra Snow Cover L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG
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Further Reading
Snow Cover
MODIS Image Shows Below Average Snow Cover in North America
Winter Snow Cover in the Northern Hemisphere
A Snowy Drought
Heavy Snow in Colorado and Nebraska
Thin Snow Cover in the Sierra Nevada
ATBD (Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document)
Imagery produced by the NASA Earth Observations team using data courtesy of the National Snow & Ice Data Center.
Federal Geographic Data Committee Geospatial Metadata
View the FGDC Metatdata for Snow Cover (1 day - Terra/MODIS)